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- Summer Collection
- Summer Bouquet
Summer Bouquet
Here's an abundant bouquet that will make any recipient's heart overflow with happiness: asiatic lilies, cheerful germinis and fragrant daisiesl! Standing 16-17'' tall, this bouquet can turn heads from 100 yards away. Most importantly, it will be a gift that your recipient will cherish, as the flowers are so fresh they'll last at least a week--guaranteed.the arrangement has approximately 15 stems
Other fine products
- 100$+ Collection
- 60-80$
- 80$-100$
- Birthday Flowers
- Carnations
- Congratulations
- Daisies Collection
- Fall Flowers
- Flower Baskets
- Get Well
- Gift Baskets
- Hydrangeas
- I Love You Collection
- Just Because
- Lilies Collection
- Luxury Collection
- New Baby Collection
- Plants
- Roses
- Spring Collection
- Summer Collection
- Sunflower Collection
- Sympathy Arrangments
- Tulips Collection
- Under 60$
Product Types
- Unknown Type